Saturday, December 18, 2010

SHORT stories - Pretty, Dead - Jeff Scher


I made this film over the past summer. It was commissioned by Showtime for their nifty SHORT stories show. It's a kind of Faux Noir in that it's full of film noir references, but painted with the most un-noir pallet. It's also a kind of Faux feature having been distilled down to the point of abstraction. And it's got one of my favorite Shay Lynch scores.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Paul Simon's "Getting Ready For Christmas Day "

"Getting Ready For Christmas Day", by Paul Simon.
from the Forthcoming Album "So Beautiful Or So What"
Animation/direction; Jeff Scher

Getting Ready Animation

This is an image I took in the middle of animated "Getting Ready For Christmas Day", a video for Paul Simon. It was shot looking straight down on a light box on an animation stand. The camera, a Sony vx2000 let me shoot negative into a Mac Pro running I-stop motion. Pictured here are a few of the many props I borrowed from my boys.

Monday, May 10, 2010


The future is here, or at least the latest version of it. It's a Vook, a book with video, or in my case fourteen of my Times films and texts as an app for iphone, ipad and itouch. It's like having a pocket full of short films. It's available through the iphone app store.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Shot this the other day in the Fulton Mall in Brooklyn. It was shot with an iphone using the "toy Camera" app.